Since the 3rd row is for “Cletus Richie” and the 7th column is for “Hire Date” this function retrieves Cletus Richie’s Hire Date: We could use the INDEX function to retrieve information from a specific row and column number, using this syntax:
Let’s say that we have a list of sales representatives (sales reps) for a company in a spreadsheet called “Sales_Reps”. Let’s start by looking at a few simple examples of how it works: Index Match Function Excel: Starting with INDEX You use the Index Match Function Excel combination to retrieve specific items in data analyses and to set up scenarios and lists of comparable public companies and precedent transactions in financial models. It’s arguably even better than the newer XLOOKUP function because you can write a single INDEX function to search an entire range rather than having to write “double” XLOOKUP functions, with one inside the other. The Index Match combo gets around the limitations of functions like VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, and it’s faster and far more flexible than either of these. The Index Match function combination in Excel is the best way to retrieve data from ranges of cells in Excel.